1.Заполните пропуски в предложениях выбрав was/wasn't или were/weren'ta) Nicolai and...

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67 просмотров

1.Заполните пропуски в предложениях выбрав was/wasn't или were/weren't

a) Nicolai and Simon ... in Manchester yesterday.
b) Natasha ... at a restaurant. Nicolai ... at the restaurant.
c) Were you at home on Sunday? No, I ...

2. Заполните пропуски

a) Hello, I ... Nicolai.
b) This ... Natasha.
c) Excuse me, ... you Nicolai?
d) Natasha ... a computer programmer.
e) ... Mary the receptions?
f) Nicolai ... here to see Simon.
g) Where ... Simon yesterday?
h) I ... ... at work because I ... ill.
i) Natasha ... angry with Nicolai.
j) We ... late for the meeting and the boss ... ... happy.

Английский язык (35 баллов) | 67 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

A) Nicolai and Simon were  in Manchester yesterday.
b) Natasha is at a restaurant. Nicolai isn't at the restaurant.
c) Were you at home on Sunday? No, I wasn't

2. Заполните пропуски

a) Hello, I am Nicolai.
b) This is Natasha.
c) Excuse me, are you Nicolai?
d) Natasha is a computer programmer.
e) Is Mary the receptions?
f) Nicolai is here to see Simon.
g) Where was Simon yesterday?
h) I am not at work because I am ill.
i) Natasha was angry with Nicolai.
j) We were late for the meeting and the boss wasn't happy.

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A were
b was , wasn't
c weren't

a) am
b) is
c) are
d) is
e) is
f) is
g) was
h) am not,  am
I) is
j) were,  wasn't 

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