2. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы:. A) do B) does C) —
1. ___ you like playing chess?
2. ___ your mother like to go shopping?
3. Where ___ she live?
4. Where ___your parents spend their vacation?
5. What ___ your father do in his spare time?
6. What ___ you think of your friend ?
7. When ___ you clean your teeth?
,8. When ___ your father go to work?
9,. Why ___ your sister go shopping on Saturdays?
10. Who ___ you always walk your dog with?
12. Who ___ his friend like to play chess with?
13. Who ___ knows the way out?
14. Who of you ___ speaks English fluently?
15. What time ___ you get up?
16. What time ___ your sister come back home?
17. How often ___ you go swimming? , ,
18 How much ____ your trousers cost?
19. Whose parents ___ want to help us?
20. Who of your relatives — lives in the country?