Помогите пожалуйста)1. Before 2010 he … Moscow twice.a) saw b) has visited c) had...

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62 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста)
1. Before 2010 he … Moscow twice.
a) saw b) has visited c) had visited
2. I … lift 25 kg.
a) may b) can c) must
3. You … be late.
a) mustn’t b) shouldn’t c) can’t
4. He … to wear a school uniform.
a) don’t have b) doesn’t have c) may not
5. The houseplants … in the evening by Jane.
a) are watered b) watered c) have watered
6. Nobody … him yesterday.
a) sees b) sawc) was seen
7. Two bottles of mineral water … because it was very hot.
a) drunk b) were drunk c) has drunk
8. At the station they will … by a man from the travel bureau.
a) met b) be met c) meet

Английский язык | 62 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1. c) had visited
2. b) can
3. a) mustn't (приказ) / b) shouldn't (рекомендация) – оба варианта возможны
4. b) doesn’t have
5. a) are watered
6. b) saw
7. b) were drunk
8. b) be met  

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