Замените действительный (активный) залог страдательным 1 alexander bell invented the...

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282 просмотров

Замените действительный (активный) залог страдательным
1 alexander bell invented the telephone in 1876.
2 the chinese invented paper.
3 shah jahan built the taj mahal for his wife who died in 1631.
4 they make volkswagen cars in germany.
5 millions of people watch this tv programme.
6 they sent for a doctor.
7 columbs discovered america.
8 tourists photographed many monuments.
9 they took these books to the classroom.
10 they will advertise the product on tv.

Английский язык (75 баллов) | 282 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.
Paper was invented by the Chinese.
The Taj Mahal was invented by Shah Jahan for his wife ...
Volkswagen cars are made in Germany.
This TV programme is watched by millions of people.
A doctor was sent for.
America was discovered by Columbus.
Many monuments were photographed by tourists.
These books were taken to the classroom.
The product will be advertised on TV.

(580 баллов)
0 голосов

1 the telephone was invented by alexander bell in 1876.
2 paper was invented by the chinese.
3 the taj mahal was built by shah jahan for his wife who died in 1631.
4 volkswagen cars are made in germany.
5 this tv programme is watched by millions of people.
6 a doctor was sent for.
7 america was discovered by columbus.
8 many monuments were photographed by tourists.
9 these books were taken to the classroom. 10 the product will be advertised on tv.

(133k баллов)