THE other day.
To watch ------ TV. ----- Russia. THE USA. They are looking
for THE man with ----- long dark hair. THE Black Sea. Close THE window. It's A pity that you can't come. Once A week. To tell THE truth. ---- President Kennedy. A girl comes in A room. ----.time is ----- money.THE chief director wants to see you. After ----- lunch.
Задание 2.
Образуйте множественное число существительных.
Fish или fishes (может быть и так, и так в зависимости от контекста), businessmEn, losses, feet, deliveries, sons, bills,
addresses, deer (у слова в ед и мн числе форма не меняется), mice, taxes, facts, seas, heroes, mountains.
Задание 3. Выберите существительное в общем или
притяжательном падеже в зависимости от смысла.
Don't take (Kate's) books. (The
experts') opinion is important for us. This is (Jane's) papers.
(Engineers) are in the canteen now. Give (Mike) those
newspapers. (My son's) teacher is very strict.