1. Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first.It...

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369 просмотров
1. Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first.
It takes him a long time to get up in the morning.
He spends a long time _____ _____ in the morning.
2. Complete with a noun from the bold word.
You don't need any special _____ to do this job. qualify
3. Complete the missing words.
a) I have to do a lot of o____ in my new job. Sometimes I don't finish until 9 p.m.
b) Could you have a day o____ next Friday? It's my cousin's wedding.
c) He argued with his boss and he was s____. Now he's unemployed.
d) If you work hard, you may get p____ to manager.
e) It's temporary job. I only have a six-month c____.
f) I'm s____ -e____. I work at home as a translator.
g) If he doesn't like his job, he'll r____ after the first six months.

Английский язык (88 баллов) | 369 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1. Getting up 2. Qualifications a)operations (не уверен что это правильно или нет). b) Off c) suspended d) promoted e) contract f)self employed g) reject

(61 баллов)
