Write sentences about your school life using a word from the list. Then, tell your...

0 голосов
428 просмотров

Write sentences about your school life using a word from the list. Then, tell your partner.

Ago, before, still, already, yet, tomorrow, for, since, next week, right now, usually, often, at the moment, these days, ever, never, rarely, yesterday, last month, tonight, just, while, when.

Английский язык (68 баллов) | 428 просмотров

перевести или как




Напиши, пожалуйста, сочинение на англ. яз. Со словами, которые есть в вопросе.


щас попробую




Ну как???????

Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

 The most important thing for me at school is to study well, respect teachers and other adults, follow the rules of my school and wear a school uniform. I usually try to do my homework perfectly and get good marks. My favourite school subjects are English, History and Literature. I’m fond of sport and music. So I  joined our school clubs two years ago. They are Basketball and Musical clubs. My school life is wonderful. There are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school. My classmates and I often take part in different school events. I have a lot of friends in my class.  Our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly. Tomorrow we are going to arrange our first school party. Next week I will present a project about English-speaking countries. I have already found much interesting information but I haven't finished my presentation yet. At the moment Iam just writing the text in it. Right now I am telling about London. Yesterday I wrote about Scotland and its people. When I finish doing this presentation I'll learn a poem by heart. It's the most wonderful poem I have ever heard. I never think that studying is so interesting! Well, I have no time, there are many things to do tonight.

(568k баллов)

Спасибо огромное!!!


можно перевод этого?


Самое главное для меня в школе хорошо учиться, уважать учителей и других взрослых, соблюдать правила моей школе и носить школьную форму. Обычно я стараюсь делать свою домашнюю работу на отлично и получить хорошие отметки. Мои любимые предметы в школе: Английский, Литература и история. Я люблю спорт и музыку. Так я присоединился нашей школы, клубы два года назад. Они являются баскетбол и музыкальных клубов. Моя Школьная жизнь-это замечательно. Есть много концертов, спектаклей и спортивных соревно