Употребите в правильной форме оборот there is/are или it is в настоящем или прощедшем времени. 1......a lot of people at the theatre last night.2.....a frosty day. I am cold. 3.....a book on the table this morning. Where is it now? 4...... a wonderful performance. I liked it very much. 5.... some magazines on the table. Give me one, please. 6. ....... a lot of snow in the streets last winter 7. .....cold yesterday, and our children couldn't go for a walk. 8... a lot of people near the booking-office a quarter of an hour go.
1. There were 2. It is 3. There was 4. It was 5. There are 6. There were 7. It was 8. There were..... последнее слово ago.