Переведите пожалуйчта ** английский предложения... 1.Я курю уже 10 лет и вчера решил...

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40 просмотров

Переведите пожалуйчта на английский предложения... 1.Я курю уже 10 лет и вчера решил бросить. НО не получилось. 2.Почему земля сырая?-потому что всю ночь шёл дождь. 3. Я ни когда не говорила ему, что он очень умный, но всегда так думала. 4)Они закончели есть и теперь пили кофе. 5)Был жаркий день. Дул лёгкий ветерок,жужали мухи, летали бабочки. 6)Артур вошёл в комнату. НИ чего не изменилось со времени его отъезда.

Английский язык (30 баллов) | 40 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1. I have been smoking for 10 years and yesterday I decided to give it up. But I failed.

2. Why is the earth wet? because it has been raining all night.

3. I have never told him that he is very clever but i have been always thinking so.

4. They have finished eating and they are drinking coffee now.

5. It was a hot day. The wind was blowing, the flies were buzzing. the butterflies were flying.

6. Athur came into the room. Nothing had been  changed  since his departure. 

(80.0k баллов)
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I smoke for 10 years and decided to quit yesterday. But it did not.

Why raw land?  Because overnight rain. I never will tell him that he is very smart, but always thought so.They finished eating and drinking coffee now. It was a hot day.There was a light breeze, Susan flies, butterflies. Arthur entered the room.Neither of which has not changed since his departure.

(85 баллов)