нужно по английскому описать гостиную

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35 просмотров

нужно по английскому описать гостиную

Английский язык (20 баллов) | 35 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Our living-room is large. It is very light. There are two big windows there. There is a sofa on the right. Opposite the sofa there is a coffee table. On the left wall there is a big TV set. There are some beautiful pictures on the walls. There is a clock above the sofa. There are a lot of flowers in my living-room. I like this room. It is very cosy. Our family like to spend time there in the evening.

(80.0k баллов)
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drawing room
exactly here we receive guests, we hold family meetings and we celebrate holidays. But not only to these the room is remarkable. All our family likes to gather here to talk, listen to music, to watch TV. In the middle of a room, opposite to a fireplace executed in ancient style, there is a big soft sofa and two deep chairs. So pleasantly, having taken seat on a sofa, to drink a cup of fragrant tea with cakes and rolls which we always have in the house! And when behind a window it is cold and rainy, I (and not only I) very much like to be arranged in a chair, having wrapped up in a warm plaid, and to read the favourite book or to watch the interesting film. Our father bought recently new columns to the TV, with them to watch movies much better and more interestingly - as though at a cinema. This impression is created because of a volume binaural sound. So I already reconsidered anew all cartridges which we have in the house. Impression - absolutely unforgettable! 

(1.6k баллов)