1. New banknotes are beingissued
by the state. – Present Contin. Passive
2. Our company is expanding
its operations offering the highest expertise and quality of service to
customers. – Present Contin. Active
3. Sales will have brought a
considerable inflow of receipts by summer. – Future Present Perfect Active
4. New taxation laws were widely commented
on in press. – Past Simple Passive.
5. The construction of the Baikal-Amur railway line gave a start to the revival of the Amur region`s economy. – Past Simple Active
6. The banking industry has changed
radically over the last 10 years. – Present
Perfect Active
7. Auditors had reported to
the management on the current state of the
company`s fiscal affairs by the time. –
Past Perfect Active
8. He was changing dollars
when she came into exchange
office. – Past Contin. Active u Past Simple Active.