1. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. Have you … (a)grandfather? Put … cup...

0 голосов
98 просмотров

1. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо.

Have you … (a)grandfather?

Put … cup on …(a) table, please.

Don’t drink … milk! It is sour.

There is … garden behind … house.

… Clarks are … friendly family.

Who is … girl? – She is my … sister.

2. Замените предлог ‘of’ формой притяжательного падежа.

The songs of the children

The skateboard of this girl

The name of my friend

The car of her relatives

The poem of Pushkin

3. Переведите словосочетания.

Тортмоей мамы.

Письмо его сестры.


Проект тех инженеров.

Дети той женщины.

4. Замените личное местоимение в скобках притяжательным или личным в объектном падеже.

(You) brother is in Moscow.

(We) son goes to school.

He teaches (we) English.

(She) family lives in London.

Answer (I) question, please.

(They) flat is large.

I meet (she) very often.

She goes out with (he).

5. Заполнитепропускинужной формой глаголов ’tobeили ‘tohave’.

This girl … a good voice.

My cousins … students.

His Mum’s cake … tasty.

Our flat … 2 rooms.

I … a lawyer.

The children … at home.

This photonice.

My parents … a garden.

He … a modern computer.

It … my birthday today.

6. Подставьте в пропуски оборотthereis (are)’.

… a new computer in the office.

… no questions to you.

… a supermarket near hear?

… a lot of rare animals in the zoo.

… any posters in your room?

7. Напишите предложения в повелительном наклонении.

(pass) me the salt, please.

(not close) the window, please.

(tell) me about your trip.

(not copy) the paper.

(call) me back in the evening.

8. Задайте все типы вопросов к предложениям.

This is a monument to Pushkin.

Her eyes are gray.

I am a future lawyer.

Our students are going to the conference tomorrow.

9. Поставьте предложения задания 8 в отрицательную форму.

Английский язык (20 баллов) | 98 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо.

1. got a

2. a, a

3. the

4. a, the

5. -, a

6. the, -

2. Замените предлог ‘of’ формой притяжательного падежа.

Children's songs.

Girl's skateboard.

My friend's name.

Her relatives' car.

Pushkin's poem.

3. Переведите словосочетания.

My mum's cake.

His sister's letter.

Youngster's name.

Those engineers' project.

That woman's children.

4. Замените личное местоимение в скобках притяжательным или личным в объектном падеже.

Your brother is in Moscow.

Our son goes to school.

He teaches us English.

Her family lives in London.

Answer my question, please.

Their flat is large.

I meet her very often.

She goes out with him.

5. Заполните  пропуски  нужной формой глаголов ’tobe   или ‘tohave’.

This girl has a good voice.

My cousins are students.

His Mum’s cake is tasty.

Our flat has 2 rooms.

I am a lawyer.

The children are at home.

This photo is nice.

My parents have a garden.

He has a modern computer.

It is my birthday today.

6. Подставьте в пропуски оборот  thereis (are)’.

There is a new computer in the office.

Trere aren't any questions to you.

Is there a supermarket near hear?

There are a lot of rare animals in the zoo.

Are there any posters in your room?


7. Напишите предложения в повелительном наклонении.

Pass me the salt, please.

Don't close the window, please.

Tell me about your trip.

Don't copy the paper.

Call me back in the evening.

8. Задайте все типы вопросов к предложениям.

1. This is a monument to Pushkin.

Is this a monument to Pushkin?

Where is a monument to Pushkin?

Who is this monument to?

This is a monument to Pushkin, isn't it?

Is this a monument to Pushkin or to Lermontov?

2. Her eyes are gray.

Are her eyes gray?

What is gray?

What colour are her eyes?

Her eyes are gray, aren't they?

Are her eyes gray or green?

3. I am a future lawyer.

Are you a future lawyer?

Who is a future lawyer?

Who will be you in future?

You are a future lawyer, aren't you?

Are you a future lawyer or writer?

4. Our students are going to the conference tomorrow.

Are our students going to the conference tomorrow?

Who is going to the conference tomorrow?

Where are our students going to?

Our students are going to the conference tomorrow, aren't they?

Are our students going to the conference tomorrow or next month?

9. Поставьте предложения задания 8 в отрицательную форму.

This isn't a monument to Pushkin.

Her eyes aren't gray.

I am not a future lawyer.

Our students aren't going to the conference tomorrow.

(664 баллов)
0 голосов

1. -, a, the, -, a, the, the,a, the, -.

2.the childrens`songs, the girl`s skateboard, my friend`s name, her relatives` car, the Puskin`s poem.

3. my mum`s cake, his sister`s letter, the young man`s name, those ingeners` project, that woman`s children

4. Your brother is in Moscow. You soon go to school. He teaches us English. Her family lives in London. Answer my question please. Them flat is large. I meet her very often. She goes out with him.


6. there is, there are, is there, there are, are there.


8.  Words Who, What< Where, ...


















(85 баллов)