Это только первая часть, потом пожалуйста посмотрите у меня в вопросах! Дома взрослых нет, ч учу не английский, а немецкий, мою сестру поверит некому!
2) 1. The teacher works at the school. He teaches students. 2. A greengrocer works at a greengrocers. He sells fruit and vegetables. 3. A postman works at the postoffice. He takes letters to peoples houses. 4. A waiter works at a cafe. He serves people. 3) 1. How often do you play soccer? 2. Pam sometimes goes to the cinema on Saturdays. 3. I usually go to the park once a week. 4) 1. Betty have to wash the dishes. 2. Betty have to clean the room. 3. Betty doesnt have to wash the dog. 4. Betty have to do her homework.
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Does he wash the dishes sometimes?