Переведите пожалуйста на английский, Здравствуйте,Меня зовут Алена ,Мне 8 лет,Я хожу в школу.У меня есть мама,папа,бабушка дедушка и 2 сестры.У меня есть кот,его зовут Рыжик,Я умею читать,писать,рисовать,плавать,
Hi, my name is Alena.I am eight years old.I go to to school.I have got a mother,a father,a grandmother,a grandfather and two sisters.I have got a cat.His name name is Rigik.I can read,write,draw and swim.
Hello. My name is Alena. I'm 8 years old. I have got a mother, a father, a granny, a grandad and two sisters. Also I have got a cat , its name is Pushok. I can read, write, draw and swim very well.
После 'I am 8 years old' я пропустили 'I go to school'.
Hello, My name is Alyona, I am 8 years old, I go to school. I have mother, the father, the grandmother the grandfather and two sisters. I have a cat, his name is the Saffron I am able to read, write, draw, swim.
Перед mother нужен предлог, кот - это it. 'am able to' лучше заменить на 'can'