Вставьте some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody,...

0 голосов
106 просмотров

Вставьте some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody по смыслу:
1. Are there… chess-players here?
2. There are … diagrams in the new book.
3. There are … letters for you on the table.
4. Does …. mind if I smoke?
5. There is ….. at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
6…. could answer the question. It was too difficult.
7. Give me …. to read, please.
8. Where is the book? Is it on the table? – No, there is … there.
9. I didn’t take any money with me, so I could not buy ….
10. Are there … mistakes in my dictation?
11. There were … students of our group at the consultation yesterday.
12. People need …. oxygen for breathing.
13. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see …. now.
14. I saw …. near the wood that looked like a tent.
15. I don’t know …. about this town.
16. I could see ….: it was dark.
17. Please, tell us the story….. knows it.
18. Has … here got a red pencil?

Английский язык (112 баллов) | 106 просмотров
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1.any 2.some 3.some 4.anybody 5. Somebody 6. Somebody 7.something 8.any 9. Anything 10.any 11.some 12.some 13.everything 14. Something 15. Anything 16. Nothing 17. Somebody 18.anybody

(86 баллов)

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