Сделать качественный перевод Данный текст рассказывает о двух сестрах. Младшая Венди и...

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Данный текст рассказывает о двух сестрах. Младшая Венди и старшая Карни. Венди всегда всегда хотела быть похожа на свою старшую сестру. И всегда старалась находится рядом с ней, но Карни это не нравилось.Когда они были детьми их родители развелись, и это сблизило сестер.Карни всегда думала, что Венди ее противоположность. Венди была застенчива, а Карни очень разговорчива. Карни очень ревновала Венди, тк ей казалось, что она была лучше ее, но та всегда ее защищала, когда Карни критиковали. Поэтому они так были близки

Английский язык (405 баллов) | 46 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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This text is telling us about two sisters. The younger one Wendy and the elder one Carny. Wendy always wanted to be alike her elder sister. And she always was trying to be next to her, but Carnydid not like that. When their were children their parents have divoreced. and that made the sisters closer to each other. Carny always thought that Wendy is her opposite. Wendy was shy, but Carny was very talkative. Carny was very jealos of Wendy. It seemed to her that Wendy was better, but Wendy always was protecting her when someone criticized her. Thats why their were so close to each other.

(169 баллов)
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This text is about 2 sisters. Younger one is Wendy and elder is Carny. Wendy always wanted to be just like her elder sister. She always tried to be near her, but Carny didn't like that. When they were children their parents divorced, and that made sisters closer. Carny always thought that Wendy was her opposite. Wendy was shy, while Carny was really talkative. Carny was jealous for Wendy, because she thought that Wendy was better than herself, while Wendy always stood up for her, when Carny had been criticized. That's why they were so close. 

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