Every family shouldhave their owntraditions, theirfamily holidays.Wein the familyoften rememberfunny eventsthat have happened tous.These memoriesfill the home witha warm andcordial atmosphere.We like to spendthe holidayshome.For us it isabove allsmiles, laughter, gifts, friends,close friends,with whomyou want to meetand socialize.Preparing fora family holidaytogether andare waiting for themimpatiently.All thatunites us andbrings joy.Holidays areunforgettable eventsin our family.Family holidayswe celebrateat home,in an interestingtrip, in nature.Oftenjoin usfriendsof parents whose childrenhave becomemy friends.I think thatis goodthatthe holidayhome,which is attended byboth adults andchildren.Thisevening,children and their parents-a bridgethat unitesthe family.