Astronauts say that easily visible from orbit, only two buildings - the Great Wall and the Millennium Dome in London. And if the first construction costs already many centuries, the London miracle appeared quite nedavno.Vsё began in 1995 with the idea of British Deputy Prime Minister Michael Hezltayna. Hezltayn felt that his country should best prepare for the meeting of the new millennium and offered to build a grand structure that date. The plan consisted of Deputy Prime Minister in the construction of a huge dome, which could be carried out the most extensive in the world event. British liked the idea and country taken rabotu.Samy large dome in the world was built by 2000. This architectural wonder of many symbolic details. Its diameter - 365 meters, the number of days in the year. 12 hundred-meter roof support columns, which coincides with the number of months in the calendar. And the dome stands on the zero meridian, which gives rise to the geographical coordinates of the planet Zemlya.Kupol millennium really get big. It stretches over an area of 8 hectares and is able to take under its roof more than 20 000 visitors. The entire year 2000, the Dome hosted the exhibition Millennium Experience, dedicated to the third millennium. But for the state giant proved unprofitable. Due to financial difficulties in 2007, the building was sold into private hands for the symbolic sum of 1 funt.Segodnya Millennium Dome became a huge entertainment venue. Under its roof comfortably settled museum, restaurants, cinemas. There are sports and cultural events of global importance. The huge dome found its place in the modern world.