Напишите по-русский как прочитать этот текст? Global warming has become a serious problem...

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Global warming has become a serious problem in modern world. It is referred to potential changes in climate, which can lead to the rise of global temperature. This term has been presented by scientists. They work hard trying to solve the problem. Otherwise, global warming can produce really dangerous climatic changes apart from a rise in temperature. For example, over the past 100 years the average temperature rise was about 1 degree. According to some scientists global warming is the result of the industrial revolution. If it continues, it can destroy our civilization. One of the most important reasons of global warming is the air pollution. More and more factories are being built in different countries. By burning oil, coal, gasoline, even natural gas, they add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Cars also influence the atmosphere badly by burning many liters of oil and releasing harmful gases into the air. As a result the ozone layer of our Earth is being destroyed. All these activities unfavourably change the Earth’s heat balance. This is what we get in return: the ground becomes very dry, a lot of rivers and lakes dry up, the forests start burning, the glaciers melt, people and animals start to faint. And these are not all the outcomes of global warming. Nature becomes really angry with us. We need to become more attentive and caring to it if we want to save our planet. There are several ways to do it. At first, we should start saving natural resources, such as water, wood, land and air. It would be a good idea to recycle the things that we don’t use anymore. Cars should switch to electric refueling, while factories shouldn’t isolate carbonic gas. We should also reduce the use of different sprays and lacquer, which destroy the ozone layer. If we take these simple measures, we might save our planet.

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 146 просмотров
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[ʹглэуб(э)л]Global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво:минг]warming[ʹwɔ:mıŋ] [хэз]has[hæz] [биʹкам]become[bıʹkʌm] [э,(эй)]a[ə,(eı)] [ʹси(э)риэс]serious[ʹsı(ə)rıəs] [ʹпроблэм]problem[ʹprɒbləm] [ин]in[ın] [модн]modern[mɒdn] [вё:лд]world[wɜ:ld]. [ит]It[ıt] [из]is[ız] referred [ту:]to[tu:] [пэʹтэнш(э)л]potential[pəʹtenʃ(ə)l] changes[МН.Ч.] [ин]in[ın] [ʹклаймит]climate[ʹklaımıt], [вич]which[wıtʃ] [кэн]can[kæn] [лэд]lead[led] [ту:]to[tu:] [зэ]the[ðə] [райз]rise[raız] [ов]of[ɒv] [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹтэмп(э)рэчэ]temperature[ʹtemp(ə)rətʃə]. [зис]This[ðıs] [тё:м]term[tɜ:m] [хэз]has[hæz] been[bi(:)n] presented [бай]by[baı] scientists[МН.Ч.]. [зэй]They[ðeı] [вё:к]work[wɜ:k] [ха:д]hard[hɑ:d] [ʹтрайинг]trying[ʹtraııŋ] [ту:]to[tu:] [солв]solve[sɒlv] [зэ]the[ðə] [ʹпроблэм]problem[ʹprɒbləm]. [ʹазэвайз]Otherwise[ʹʌðəwaız], [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво:минг]warming[ʹwɔ:mıŋ] [кэн]can[kæn] [ʹпродью:с]produce[ʹprɒdju:s] [ʹри(э)ли]really[ʹrı(ə)lı] [ʹдэйнджэрэс]dangerous[ʹdeındʒərəs] [клайʹмэтик]climatic[klaıʹmætık] changes[МН.Ч.] [эʹпа:т]apart[əʹpɑ:t] [фром]from[frɒm] [э,(эй)]a[ə,(eı)] [райз]rise[raız] [ин]in[ın] [ʹтэмп(э)рэчэ]temperature[ʹtemp(ə)rətʃə]. [фо:]For[fɔ:] [игʹза:мп(э)л]example[ıgʹzɑ:mp(ə)l], [ʹэувэ]over[ʹəʋvə] [зэ]the[ðə] [па:ст]past[pɑ:st] 100 years[МН.Ч.] [зэ]the[ðə] [ʹэв(э)ридж]average[ʹæv(ə)rıdʒ] [ʹтэмп(э)рэчэ]temperature[ʹtemp(ə)rətʃə] [райз]rise[raız] [воз]was[wɒz] [эʹбаут]about[əʹbaʋt] 1 [диʹгри:]degree[dıʹgri:]. [эʹко:динг]According[əʹkɔ:dıŋ] [ту:]to[tu:] [сам]some[sʌm] scientists[МН.Ч.] [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво:минг]warming[ʹwɔ:mıŋ] [из]is[ız] [зэ]the[ðə] [риʹзалт]result[rıʹzʌlt] [ов]of[ɒv] [зэ]the[ðə] [инʹдастриэл]industrial[ınʹdʌstrıəl] [͵рэвэʹлу:ш(э)н]revolution[͵revəʹlu:ʃ(ə)n]. [иф]If[ıf] [ит]it[ıt] continues, [ит]it[ıt] [кэн]can[kæn] [дисʹтрой]destroy[dısʹtrɔı] [ʹауэ]our[ʹaʋə] [͵сив(э)лайʹзэйш(э)н]civilization[͵sıv(ə)laıʹzeıʃ(ə)n]. [ван]One[wʌn] [ов]of[ɒv] [зэ]the[ðə] [мэуст]most[məʋst] [имʹпо:т(э)нт]important[ımʹpɔ:t(ə)nt] reasons[МН.Ч.] [ов]of[ɒv] [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво:минг]warming[ʹwɔ:mıŋ] [из]is[ız] [зэ]the[ðə] [эа]air[eə] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н]pollution[pəʹlu:ʃ(ə)n]. [мо:]More[mɔ:] [энд]and[ænd] [мо:]more[mɔ:] factories[МН.Ч.] [а:]are[ɑ:] [ʹби:инг]being[ʹbi:ıŋ] [билт]built[bılt] [ин]in[ın] [ʹдиф(э)рэнт]different[ʹdıf(ə)rənt] countries[МН.Ч.]. [бай]By[baı]

(126 баллов)

[ʹбё:нинг]burning[ʹbɜ:nıŋ] [ойл]oil[ɔıl], [кэул]coal[kəʋl], [ʹгэсэли:н]gasoline[ʹgæsəli:n], [ʹи:в(э)н]even[ʹi:v(ə)n] [ʹнэч(э)рэл]natural[ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl] [гэс]gas[gæs], [зэй]they[ðeı] [эд]add[æd] [мо:]more[mɔ:] [ʹка:бэн]carbon[ʹkɑ:bən] dioxide[daıʹɒks(a)ıd] [ту:]to[tu:] [зэ]the[ðə] [ʹэтмэсфиэ]atmosphere[ʹætməsfıə]. Cars[МН.Ч.] [ʹо:лсэу]also[ʹɔ:lsəʋ] [ʹинфлуэнс]influence[ʹınflʋəns] [зэ]the[ðə] [ʹэтмэсфиэ]atmosphere[ʹætməsfıə] [ʹбэдли]badly[ʹbædlı] [бай]by[baı] [ʹбё:нинг]burning[ʹbɜ:nıŋ] [ʹмэни]many[ʹ


[зис]This[ðıs] [из]is[ız] [вот]what[wɒt] [ви:]we[wi:] [гэт]get[get] [ин]in[ın] [риʹтё:н]return[rıʹtɜ:n]: [зэ]the[ðə] [граунд]ground[graʋnd] becomes [ʹвэри]very[ʹverı] [драй]dry[draı], [э,(эй)]a[ə,(eı)] [лот]lot[lɒt] [ов]of[ɒv] rivers[МН.Ч.] [энд]and[ænd] lakes[МН.Ч.] [драй]dry[draı] [ап]up[ʌp], [зэ]the[ðə] forests[МН.Ч.] [ста:т]start[stɑ:t] [ʹбё:нинг]burning[ʹbɜ:nıŋ], [зэ]the[ðə] glaciers[МН.Ч.] [мэлт]melt[melt], [ʹпи:п(э)л]people[ʹpi:p(ə)l] [энд]and[ænd] animals[МН.Ч.] [ста:т]start[stɑ:t] [ту:]


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