I'll talk abouthow myteam won thetournament.All occurredin May2010.My team and Iplayedwith the football club'Crystal'.After the firsthalf the score was1-0in favor of the"Crystal."We tookmyself in hand andscored3 goals.The matchended3-1in favor of myteam and weWontournament.It's over,as I wanted.Iwas very pleased.Wegotthe teamto the nexttournament,which was heldin a different cityin the early summer.It was afierce battle forthe cup.We have wona long-awaitedvictory andwentto Russia.But we could nottake theCupof Russia.I hopewewilldoitnext year.I achievedall of itsgoals thatI setfor myself.And Iam very happy!
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