Пожааалуйста!! помогите!

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38 просмотров

Пожааалуйста!! помогите!


Английский язык (281 баллов) | 38 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1.He is a doctor.

2.His wife is a teacher.

3.Their son is a businessman.

4.Their daughter is a student.

5.He has this cassette.

6.It is her magazines and these are mine.

7.It is your compositions.

8.I had some buttons.

9.They had this disc.

10.I had this book.

11.My mother is a journalist.

12.My father is a lawyer.

13.My grandfather and grandmother are the pensioners.

14.My grandmother has these magazines.

15.My sister is a school girl.

16.My sister has this casset.

17.His brother was a musician.

18.His brother has these discs.

19.She has some pins.

20.I haven't got these discs.


На полке есть книга. На полке есть книга?-Да, есть.
В вазе есть цветы. В вазе есть цветы?-Да, есть.
Под столом нет никаких журналов. Под столом есть журналы?-Нет, их нет.

Mежду плитой и раковиной был холодильник.
Возле окна было несколько стульев. 

(2.1k баллов)
0 голосов

1 he is a doctor. 2 his wife is a teacher. 3 their son is a businessman. 4 their daughter is a student. 5 he has this cassette. 6 it is her magazines and these are mine. 7 it is your compositions. 8 I had some buttons. 9 they had this disc. 10 I had this book. 11 my mother is a journalist. 12 my father is a lawyer. 13 my grandfather and grandmother are the pencioners. 14 my grandmother has these magazines. 15 my sister is a school girl. 16 my sister has this casset. 17 his brother was a musician. 18 his brother has these discs. 19 she has some pins. 20 i haven't got these discs.

(2.7k баллов)