1. … Moscow is … capital of … Russia. А) A … a … the Б) -- … the -- В) -- … a … -- Г) The...

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136 просмотров

1. … Moscow is … capital of … Russia.
А) A … a … the
Б) -- … the --
В) -- … a … --
Г) The … a … the
2. My birthday is … the third … December.
A) on … of
Б) on … in
В) in … of
Г) at … of
3. My granny goes … the park … Sundays.
A) in … in
Б) in … at
В) at … on
Г) to … on
4. … dress is red and … is blue.
А) mine … hers
Б) my … hers
В) my … her
Г) me … hers
5. You … read this book, it is very interesting.
A) must to
Б) should to
В) should
Г) shouldn’t
6. We … go there, it is so dangerous.
A) must
Б) mustn’t
В) should
Г) mustn’t to
7. Mike is … pupil in our class.
A) the best
Б) best
В) good
Г) better
8. Mike’s room is … than mine.
A) comfortable
Б) as comfortable as
В) the most comfortable
Г) more comfortable
9. There … orange juice in the fridge.
A) isn’t some
Б) isn’t any
В) are some
Г) isn’t no
10. I have … good friends in my class.
A) much
Б) any
В) a few
Г) little
11. Helen … a doctor, but she … a student ten years
A) is … was
Б) is … is
В) was … was
Г) is … were
12. I … ten years old and next year I … eleven.
A) am … am
Б) am … was
В) am … will be
Г) am … will
13. My best friend was in London … .
A) now
Б) in two days
В) next month
Г) last year
14. Look! The cat … on the tree!
A) is
Б) sits
В) sit
Г) is sitting
15. It is cold, but I … an ice cream cone. I … ice cream.
А) am eating … like
Б) am eating … am liking
В) eat … like
Г) am eating … is like
16. Sometimes Mary and Mike … to the circus.
A) goes
Б) go
В) are going
Г) doesn’t go
17. Закончите предложение:
Helen doesn’t live in this house, … ?
A) does she
Б) doesn’t she
В) does Helen
Г) she does
18. Выберите перевод предложения:
«Мне не нравится эта картина».
A) I am not liking this picture.
Б) Me not like this picture.
В) I don’t like this picture.
Г) I not like this picture.
19. Выберите вопрос к предложению:
John writes detective stories.
A) Who does write detective stories?
Б) Who writes detective stories?
В) What does John write detective stories?
Г) Who John writes detective stories?
20. Выберите синоним к слову”large.”
A) big
Б) small
В) great
Г) round

Английский язык | 136 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1Б, 2А. 3Г, 4Б, 5В, 6Б, 7А, 8Г, 9Б, 10В. 11А, 12В, 13Г, 14Г, 15А, 16Б, 17А, 18В, 19Б,20А

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