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Sarma is o notionol dish of Bulgoriq, but peopte moke
similor dishes in mong other countries,uch os Egupt,
Greece, Turkeg, Romonio ond Russio. The dish hos
different nomes in different countries. Peopl.e in Eggpt coLt
il mahshiond peopLe in Greece co[[ it dolmodes. To moke the
dish, peopte mix minced meot, rice, onions, sott, pepper ond herbs
together. Theg wrop the mixture in lorge cobboge [eoves to moke
Littte porcels. Then, theu pul the porceLs in o lorge pot ond boit them for severol hours.
When the porcets ore reodg, peopte serve them with rice or pototoes. Theg often odd
goghurt,oo. Sometimes peopl.e use leoves from different pl.onts to wrop the meot ond
rice. One poputor recipe uses vine leoves. Peopte in different countries tike to odd different
things to the recipe. Sometimes peopte use vegetobles insteod of meot, or serve the
porcels in o tostg tomoto souce. The dish is often different, but otwogs deticious.