I lovegoing to the moviesandwatch differentmovies.Myfavorite genres- iscomedyand melodrama,but I alsolikescience fiction.
I likedifferent films, because eachof them are veryinteresting andimpresses me.
I likecomedies,because they makeme laugh.Here are someof them:"17 Again," "Just Go With It," "MethodHitch."Thisfamily movie.
Melodrama- issadmovies.These filmsaffect people.When I watchthem, Iusually pay.Someof them: "A Walk to Remember", "Ifonly","Remember Me."
But my favoritefilm - is"HarryPotter."All parts.Ithink this isthe best film, andthat all children andadults loveHarry.
This moviehas a lot ofcomputer graphics andspecial effects.
"Harry Potter" - avery interestingfantasy novelaboutmagicians.But it has, and friendship, and love.
I can watch"Harry Potter"again and again.Each of the8 partsI look withexciting interest.
This movieteaches usa lot, Iadvise everyone towatch it