Вставьте is или are. Variant I. 1. There ……. a bike at the door. 2. There ……. lamps in...

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54 просмотров

Вставьте is или are. Variant I.
1. There ……. a bike at the door.
2. There ……. lamps in the box.
3. There ……. policemen in the house.
4. There …… children in the house.
5. There …… mice in the house.
II. Образуйте множественное число от следующих слов.
1. town 6. box
2. city 7. boy
3. shelf 8. book
4. woman 9. teacher
5. deer 10. fish
III. Напишите степени сравнения прилагательных.
положительная сравнительная превосходная
1. small
2. strong
3. hot
4. good
5. nice
IV. Выбери правильный ответ. Проставь прилагательные в сравнительной или в превосходной степени.
1. The road is (long/longer/the longest) than the street.
2. The ocean is (large/larger/the largest) than the sea.
3. February is (short/shorter/the shortest) month.
4. In the city streets are (wide/wider/the widest) than in the country.
5. In the country rivers are (clean/cleaner/the cleanest) than in the city.
I. Вставьте is или are. Variant II.
1. There ……. a nice apple tree and flowers behind the house.
2. There ……. lamps in the box.
3. There ……. men in the house.
4. There …… children in the house.
5. There …… sweets on the table.
II. Образуйте множественное число от следующих слов.
1. life 6. bush
2.half 7. boy
3. army 8. cat
4. man 9. hero
5. fox 10. foot
III. Напишите степени сравнения прилагательных.
положительная сравнительная превосходная
1. sad
2. wide
3. big
4. bad
5. happy
IV. Выбери правильный ответ. Проставь прилагательные в сравнительной или в превосходной степени.
1. Tim is (old/older/the oldest) than Jimmy.
2. The tiger is (small/smaller/the smallest) than the elephant.
3. Summer is (hot/hotter/the hottest) season in the year.
4. In the city houses are (tall/taller/the tallest) than in the country.
5. In the country gardens are (big/bigger/the biggest) than in the city.
помогите пожалуйста!!!

Английский язык (188 баллов) | 54 просмотров



4. longer 2. larger 3. the shortest 4. wider 5. cleaner


это второй вариант


второй вариант номер 1. 1. is are are are are 2. lives halves armies men foxes bushes boys cats heroes feet 3. 1. sad sadder the saddest 2) wide wider the widest 3) big bigger the biggest 4) bad worse worst 5) happy more happy the happiest.



Дан 1 ответ
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Variant I

1 is

2 are

3 are

4 are

5 are


1 towns

2 cities

3 shelves

4 women

5 deer

6 boxes

7 boys

8 books

9 teachers

10 fish


1 small - smaller - the smallest

2 strong - stronger - the strongest

3 hot -hotter - the hottest

4 good - better - the best

5 nice - nicer -the nicest


1 longer

2 larger

3 the shortest

4 wider

5 cleaner

Variant II 

I is, are, are, are, are


1 lives

2 halves

3 armies

4  men

5 foxes

6 bushes

7 boys

8 cats

9 heroes

10 feet


1 sad - sadder - the saddest

2 wide - wider - the widest

3 big - bigger - the biggest

4 bad - worse - the worst

5 happy - happier - the happiest


1 older

2 smaller

3 the hottest

4 taller

5 bigger

(5.7k баллов)