Определите время:Past Simple Passive, Past Progressive Passive or Past Perfect Passive....

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121 просмотров

Определите время:Past Simple Passive, Past Progressive Passive or Past Perfect Passive.
1.Last year China was predicted to become the world's biggest freenhouse gas polluter.
2.During the heat wave in 1995 Chicago's vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and low-income people,were hit especially hard.
3.It was mentioned at the conference that the Kyoto Protocol had not been ratified by Australia and the USA.
4.He was not sure what problems were being discussed at the moment.
5.The summer of 2003 was considered by many ecologists the hottest European summer in five centuries.
6.20,000 protesters were reported to have marched in London in the biggest demonstration on climate change.
7.The reporters stressed that the conference on global warming which was being held in the UK could lead to signing very important agreements.
8.All the documents it was revealed by Christopher Monckton in 2006 that in the Bronze Age and in Roman times in some places it had been warmer than at the beginning of the thrid millennium.The scientist pointed out that those temperatures had been caused by the sun, not by carbon dioxide.

Английский язык (2.2k баллов) | 121 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

1.Last year China was predicted  (Past Simple Passive) to become the world's biggest freenhouse gas polluter.
2.During the heat wave in 1995 Chicago's vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and low-income people, were hit  (Past Simple Passive) especially hard.
3.It was mentioned  (Past Simple Passive) at the conference that the Kyoto Protocol had not been ratified (Past Perfect Passive)  by Australia and the USA.
4.He was not sure what problems were being discussed (Past Progressive Passive) at the moment.
5.The summer of 2003 was considered  (Past Simple Passive) by many ecologists the hottest European summer in five centuries.
6.20,000 protesters were reported (Past Simple Passive) to have marched in London in the biggest demonstration on climate change.
7.The reporters stressed that the conference on global warming which was being held (Past Progressive Passive) in the UK could lead to signing very important agreements.
8.All the documents it was revealed  (Past Simple Passive) by Christopher Monckton in 2006 that in the Bronze Age and in Roman times in some places it had been warmer than at the beginning of the thrid millennium.The scientist pointed out that those temperatures had been caused (Past Perfect Passive)  by the sun, not by carbon dioxide.

(542k баллов)

эти ответы верные


" in the Bronze Age and in Roman times in some places it had been (Past Perfect Passive) warmer than at the beginning of the thrid millennium" забыли еще




it had been warmer - Past Perfect ACTIVE, а не PASSIVE


это в тестах специально такие хитрости подстраивают, чтобы подловить учеников, не твёрдо знающих грамматику


действительно, моя ошибка, прошу прощения


Я грамматику не твердо знаю

0 голосов

1. PSP
2. PSP
3. PPP
4. PPS
5. PSP
6. PSP
7. PPS

(135 баллов)
