Пожалуйста помогите, нужно ответить на вопросы:
1.Is Green Street wider than Apple Street? /Шире Зеленая улица/
2. Who is younger: Barbara or Kate? /Моложе Катя/
3.When is it darker: in the afternoon or at night?
4. Is the green tree higher than the yellow tree? /Выше зеленое дерево/
5. When is it colder: in winter or in summer?
6. Who is older: your parents or grandparents?
7. Who is taller: Rick or Bob? /Выше Рик/
8. What month is shorter: February or March?
9. Who is the youngest of the children? /Алиса моложе чем Полли и Сью/
10. What is the coldest season in a year?
11. Who is the slowest of these animals? /Улитка медленнее чем лягушка и мышь
12. What is the hottest season?
13. What is the shortest month in a year?
14. What is the tallest animal in the picture? /Жираф выше чем лошадь и собака/