They climbed and climbed under the hot sun and it seemed that there was no end. I felt miserable because of the sun, thirst, and Ralf. It was the difficult road.
- Ralf, stop please I need a break. Lets stop for a while
His answer was rude: We don't have time for it.
I was ready to cry.
- Ralf, I can/t go anymore. We don/t need the treasure. Lets come home.
- You are crazy, - Ralf was extremely angry with me,- I dreamed about it all my life.
I looked at him and noticed the terrible glint deep in his eyes. Fear invaded my mind.
- Ralf, please, look at me! It/s me. Give me your hand.
I tried to take his hand, but he bet me back. I dropped on my knees, turned my face and wept. I remembered our first meeting, his eyes, his smile. How can be so indifferent.
-Ralf, I love you, we have each other, we don/t need any treasure.
- Ralf, it/s not you. It/s the very place, a cursed place. We need to save us.
He turned and paid attention to me. He told me: "What are you talking about? I am going to take my treasure, and no one let me leave my plans". After the words he started climbing. I was sitting on the ground and bitter tears coursed down my cheeks. He was climbing and I was sitting. I didnt know how many minutes or hours I spent there. But when I went back to my bike? the mist was everywhere. I returned home alone, without Ralf.
I was siiting all the night long near the window waiting for him. But he didnt come. In the morning there was a knock at hte door. I opened the door and saw the policeman. I understood everything. No Ralf and no treasure, onle the black ravens above the Devil/s cliff