Помогите написать о любимом фильме ** английском ** уровне 7 кл....если можно с переводом

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Помогите написать о любимом фильме на английском на уровне 7 кл....если можно с переводом

Английский язык (49 баллов) | 83 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Now I'm aware that Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is the exact same plot as the first Home Alone, and not to mention how silly it seems that these folks would leave their kid behind, but come on, this movie was all in good fun.It still has me constantly laughing 'till this day, I think if you loved the first Home Alone, I'm sure that you'll just naturally love this one as well. Not too many folks are just giving it a good chance. I mean, the Wet Bandants are back and they are just as funny as ever! I think this house that Kevin set up was actually in some ways a little more fun than the first because of the traps he was able to set. Not to mention the Plaza Hotel plot was so great and fun to watch.Kevin and his family are heading down to Florida for Christmas this year, but when Kevin gets mixed up at the air port and gets on the wrong flight, he ends up in New York. Instead of complaining or panicking, he just plain enjoys it. He goes on the ultimate tour with his father's bag of money and credit cards and cons himself into the Plaza Hotel claiming he's there with his dad. But the Wet Bandants who have now re-named themselves as the Sticky Bandants are in New York as well and are planning on stealing all the money from a toy store that is going to be given to the children's hospital. But Kevin is going to make sure that they don't mess around with the kids and has set his uncle's abandoned apartment up for a fun house of traps.Home Alone 2: Lost in New York was an absolute blast. The reason I'm giving it a ten is because I think the rating should be higher. People really need to give this movie a shot. My favorite scene is without a doubt when Marv gets hit in the face with the bricks, also, the scene where the Plaza Hotel managers are asked by Kevin's mom "What kind of idiots do you have working here?!"... the lady just smiles and says "The finest in New York!", it was just too funny! I love this movie and I'm always going to recommend it for a good watch, I think you'll enjoy it if you give it a chance.

(19 баллов)
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People like different films: westerns, comedies, thrillers, actions, romantic stories. As for me, my favourite film is Avatar. The story impressed me very much. It is a fantastic film about another world. It isn’t like any other film I’ve ever seen.
A world-known James Cameron directed this amazing tale. He has been working on it for ten years. The main actor’s name is Sam Worthington. He plays the role of a marine soldier Jake Sully. Jake takes part in an experiment and turns into a native being. The action happens on the Planet Pandora. It’s a beautiful exciting place with wonderful nature and unusual native beings called the Navi. Jake wants to find the mines with exclusive minerals. He meets Neytiri (actress Zoe Saldana), one of Navi humanoids. In my opinion, the actors and the acting are brilliant. I recommend this film to everyone. It is a wonderful, unusual, actual story which helps to appreciate important things in our life because our real world is angry and cruel.

Люди любят разные фильмы: вестерны, комедии, триллеры, боевики, мелодрамы. Что касается меня, мой любимый фильм – «Аватар». Эта история очень меня впечатлила. Это фантастический фильм о другом мире. Он не похож ни на один фильм, который я когда-либо видел.
Всемирно известный Джеймс Кэмерон снял эту удивительную сказку. Он работал над ней 10 лет. Главного актера зовут Сэм Уортингтон. Он играет морского пехотинца Джейка Салли. Джейк принимает участие в эксперименте и превращается в существо из другого мира. Действие происходит на планете Пандора. Это прекрасное восхитительное место с замечательной природой и необычными существами Нави. Джейк хочет найти залежи особенных минералов. Он встречает Нейтири (актриса Зои Салдана), одну из Нави. По-моему, актеры и игра впечатляющие. Я рекомендую этот фильм всем. Это замечательная необычная актуальная история, которая помогает ценить важные вещи в нашей жизни, потому что наш реальный мир злой и жестокий.

(64 баллов)