Complete the sisjunctive questions. A
1 haven't you 2 haven't they 3 has she 4 has he 5 have we 6 has he B 1 can't we 2 can't you 3 mustn't they 4 coud he 5 can she 6 must we
Haven't you haven't they has sarah( не знаю какой это пол. если жен- she . если мужик- he. has he have we hasn't he can't we can't you must not they could he can she must we
а ведь в ответе сверху есть ошибка, но выбрана как лучший:с
где вы ошибку нашли???
все у меня правильно!!!
в 6
там надо было hasn't
вот в этом и ошибка -_-