Fox - one of the most beautiful predators. Color skins red, the tail is long and fluffy, muzzle long and narrow, and his eyes smart and cunning. Fox is the size of a small dog. Painting red cheats range from fire-red to gray. In the north, almost red fox, in the desert - gray and yellow. Silver Fox, by the way - is also common fox with some deviations from the normal color. Considered the most beautiful black-brown fur. Therefore, silver fox has long been farmed.
Fox lives in Europe, Asia and America, and Africa. This animal is well adapted to different climatic conditions. South fox smaller than the north, besides the northern fox fur thicker and fluffy. Fox is extremely nimble and spirited beast. She runs so fast that it is difficult to catch up with the dogs. In addition, it is very tricky beast: it can embark on a variety of tricks, confusing their own tracks or extracting their livelihood.