1 ) 1 computer computers, 2 lion lions, 3 glove gloves 4 lady ladies 5 bus buses 6 knife knives 7 potato potatoes 8 desk desks 9 boat boats 10 child children 11 boy boys 12 sheep sheep 13 leg legs 14 watch watches 15 tooth teeth 16 flower flowers 17 play plays 18 umbrella umbrellas 19 foot feet 20 phone phones 21 person people 22 tomato tomatoes 23 theater theaters 24 wolf wolves 25 ox oxes 26 woman women 27 subway subways 28 deer deer 29 elephant elephants 30 monkey monkeys 31 fox foxes 32 family families 33 goose geese 34 butterfly butterflies 35 tram trams 36 daddy daddies 37 man men
2) 1 marta bought these red trousers and those blue jeans
2 her scissors are...
3 mathematics is a very important. .
4 John's binoculars are..
5 the people in the aula are..
6 mary chose those..
7 these stocking. .
8 our granny's glasses are...
9 the police are..
10 draughts are. ..