Помогите пожалуйста с английским​)

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31 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста с английским​)


Английский язык (244 баллов) | 31 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1) 2 caught
3 sent
4 didn't stay
5 escaped
6 chased
7 didn't find

2 ) 2 When did the accident happen?
3 Who did she meet in the shopping center?
4 How did the Egyptians make the pyramids?
5 Did they see the robbers?
6 Why did you take my pen?
7 Did he eat all tne cake?
8 What did the teacher find in the cupboard?

3) 2 Were you listening to the same concert as me?
3 What were you doing in town?
4 Did you see that great film on tv last night?
5 They weren't working in tne bank last week
6 She didn't travel on the bus last night
7 It wasn't raining yesterday

4) 2 Why was the dog making a lot of noise all night?
3 How many students were talking the exam?
4 Where was she going?
5 What book were you reading?

5) 2 Was Mercedes talking to her boyfriend on the phone?
3 Why was your father taking the train to Tver?
4 How many were people getting on the plane?
5 Were the thieves wearing dark glasses?
6 Who were we travelling with on that holiday?

6) 2 Elena was finishing her homework while her mother was cooking the evening meal
3 Mark was working on the computer when he heard a noise
4 I was walking home from school while it was starting to rain
5 They were travelling in a train when it suddenly stopped
6 Tom was telling a funny story while we were waiting for our drinks in the cafe

(235k баллов)