Напишите рассказ по английскому ** тему about my self с правилами словами иглаголами...

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Напишите рассказ по английскому на тему about my self
с правилами словами иглаголами

Английский язык (74 баллов) | 30 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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I would like to (tell) you about myself. First of all, I will (start )my brief story with my hobby. I( prefer) to read novels, detective stories, because all of them have existing and. I (love )reading everywhere! If I (want to buy) something - it will be books! So I (prefer )swimming. I khave been doing )this kind of sport for two years. Also I (like) go out with my friend: we like (attend) interesting exhibitions in time our walking. What about my future? I (would like) (to became) a teacher because I like (teach) little children. Summer holiday I prefer to spend in other city. this year I am going to spend first month summer in capital our country- in Miscow. Winter holiday I prefer to spend staying in my town. I like to study school lessons as I know- it need in future. I have a favorite cat. His name is Tom. I like to play with him using a boll. My cat can catch it! So he like to wash himself, it looks funny! Tom always waits me at home when I come from school. He helps me to do my lessons. Tom can itently listen to me when I retell history, biology..I love him!

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