NEW YORK New York is one of the largest cities in the world. It lies in the mouth of the...

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New York is one of the largest cities in the world. It lies in the mouth of the Hudson River.
The centre of New York is Manhattan Island. Today Manhattan is the centre of business and financial life of the country. Very few people live in Manhattan, although the majority works here. Numerous bridges and tunnels link Manhattan with other districts of New York. In Manhattan there is Columbia University, one of the biggest Universities in the country.
New York is the city of sky-scrapers. Many sky-scrapers house banks and offices of American businessmen. There are many places of interest in New-York. For example, Central Park, Rockefeller Centre, the United Nations Building and the shopping districts,
There are several theatres, museums and art galleries in New York. The most famous of them are American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art, which has a magnificent collection of American and European pictures. There is New York Public Library, the biggest library in New York.
New York.
New York is a multinational city. People of almost all nationalities live here. At the turn of the 20-th century a lot of people came to the USA from different countries of the world.
The poorest part of New York is Harlem, the overcrowded .black community. Its population соnsists of Negroes and Latin Americans.
New York is a city of contrast. It is a city of big business, money, wealth, beauty, unemployment, poverty and crime.
VII. Выпишите соответствующие содержанию текста предложения и письменно переведите их.

1) New York is the city of sky-scrapers.
2) Many people live and work in Manhattan.
3) New York’s American Museum is one of the most famous museums.
4) The inhabitants of New York are people of many nationalities.
5) Manhattan Island is one of the far districts of New York.
6) The United nations Building is one of the places of interest of New York.
7) Only Latin Americans live in Harlem, the poorest part of New York.
8) New York is a city of big business, money, wealth, beauty, unemployment, poverty and crime.
9) There are several theatres, museums and art galleries in New York.
10) The city’s biggest library is New York Public Library.

Английский язык (101 баллов) | 149 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1. Нью-Йорк - город небоскребов.

2. Многие люди живут и работают на Манхэттене.

3. Американский музей в Нью-Йорке - один из самых известных музеев.

4. Жители Нью-Йорка - люди многих национальностей.

5. Остров Манхттен - один из самых отдаленных районов Нью-Йорка.

6. Здание Организации Объединенных Наций является одной из достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка.

7. Только латиноамериканцы живут в Гарлеме, самой бедной части Нью-Йорка.

8. Нью-Йорк - город большого бизнеса, денег, богатства, красоты, безработицы, бедности и преступности.

9. Есть несколько театров, музеев и художественных галерей в Нью-Йорке.

10. Самая большая библиотека города - Нью-Йоркская публичная библиотека.

P.s. /она хотела бы жить на Манхэттене, но ее дома ждет пакет в пакете с пакетами/ :>

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