Замените предложения в действительном залоге (Active Voice) предложениями в страдательном...

+211 голосов
6.6m просмотров

Замените предложения в действительном залоге (Active Voice) предложениями в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice), используя выделенные скобками слова в качестве подлежащего. Например: "Ships carry heavy cargoes". Heavy cargoes are carried by ships. 1. The railroad engineers "installed high-quality steel rails and concrete crossties" on this line. 2. Railroad builders "use steel fishplates" to join rails end-to-end. 3. Workers weld together "standard rails" to make continuous welded rails. 4. Engineers used "crushed stone and gravel" to make good ballast. 5. Engineers employ "special equipment" to make the land for the roadbed smooth and level. 6. Railroad engineers planned "the route" for the future railroad line with the least possible grades and curves. 7. Steep grades limit "both the speeds" of trains and the loads carried. 8. Engineers often design "railroad bridges and tunnels" along the route.

Английский язык | 6.6m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+60 голосов

1. High-quality steel rails and concrete crossties were installed on this line by the railroad engineers.

2. Steel fishplates are used by the rail-road builders to join rails end-to-end.

3. Standart rails are welded by the workers to make continuous welded rails.

4. Crushed stone and gravel were used by the engineers to make good ballast.

5. Special equipment is employed by the engineers to make land for the roadbed smooth and level.

6. The route was planned by the railroad engineers for the future railroad line with the least possible grades and curves.

7. Both the speed of traind and the loads carried are limited by the steep grades limit.

8. Railroad bridges and tunnels are often designed by the engineers along the route.

(20 баллов)